Firing up the mainframe!

Okay so now comes the scary part.  The TV Typewriter has its own built in DC power supply, connected to the wall by a line cord soldered into the board.  That’s a little intimidating for someone who, until recently, had never built anything electronic in his life!  We’re talking live, exposed AC connections.  One wrong move under power and.. ouch!

The goal for this first major step in construction is to install the transformer, protection diodes, and any other circuitry related to the power supply.  We then want to plug in and switch on and do some voltage tests.

Now, I’m going to confess, I am no electronics engineer.  I did not understand the transformer wiring at all.  I got some help from friends on with this, as it is not as simple as just connecting the post marked 12V to the PCB point marked 12V.  You have to tie certain posts together and then connect them, per the schematic.  And prior to that, they had me do some quick voltage tests, to make sure Signal had labelled things correctly in the first place.

Anyway, this is what the completed wiring looks like:

Another problem that tripped me up was the orientation for diode D6.  Orientation of diodes here is critical – the diodes provide protection for the system and make sure different voltages aren’t crossed.  A mistake here could cause damage to the whole unit!

Complicating matters further, this is one of the (many) examples where the schematic is at odds with the PCB layouts themselves.  More experienced eyes than mine looked at the schematics and were convinced the orientation of several diodes were wrong.  However, the errata provided after the construction article came out suggested that only D6’s orientation was shown wrong on the PCB silkscreens.  Indeed, the scanned copy of the construction guide that I was relying on initially had a correction from the original owner:

After much debate on the forums, I decide to go with the errata and only change the orientation of D6.   Although I usually defer to the experts, everything I have read indicates that the PCBs are correct, minus this particular error.  So I install all the pieces.

One other note: I took this opportunity to correct a situation I wasn’t comfortable with.  In trying to keep the look of the ‘new’ TVT vintage, I had chosen some Mallory 5000uf caps.  These are big silver can caps rather than the coloured ‘sausage’ caps common today.  The caps I had picked had little metal tabs on them, and to make it fit on the mainframe I had been forced to rig the tabs up with wire and then solder the wires into the board.  They looked kinda sketchy.  Anyway, I later found some screw top GE 5000uf caps, which I was able to install much more securely.  They are silver also and look perfect for the role.  So that’s what you see installed in the photo.

With everything connected, I decide to go for a test.  I’m more than a little nervous here and go a bit crazy, setting up the unit on the concrete porch outside my (steel) door.  I’m going to set the power switch to on and connect the cord behind the door.  That way if it goes snap, crackle, pop, I’ve got more than adequate protection!  I realize this is of course a little paranoid, but this is my first time messing with something that uses live AC power that  built.

Anyway, after checking and rechecking, I plugged the AC line cord in, braced for explosion.  But none comes!  I wait a good 5 minutes.  Nada!  No smoke, no fire!  No scary crackling sounds!  Woohoo!

Getting more brave, I pull the unit into the house and onto my old tile floor.  I plug in again, still standing a few feet away.  No problem!  Now I man up, and grab my DMM to check voltages.  According to the manual, I should have 5V on pins 58 and 59 of the ‘bus’, -5V on pin 57, -12V on pin 56, and +12V at a spot on the mainframe board set aside to provide keyboard power.  My results are very close!  +5V on 58 and 59 exactly (thank you 7805 voltage regulator!), then -5.45V on pin 57, -12.4V on pin 56, and +13V on the keyboard +12V point.  A little out of spec, but given the machine is not under load and that the variance is so small, the power supply is given a clean bill of health!  Yahoo!

I know this is kind of a minor thing – after all this is just a power supply at this point, but the fact that I built A POWER SUPPLY THAT DIDN’T BLOW UP is kind of awesome nonetheless!  Thank you to all those that helped along the way!


Building a TVT sandwich (again)!

Following the instructions of the TV Typewriter construction guide, the first thing to do after recreating my TVT boards (again and again) is to drill them out and work on aligning the stack connectors.  I knew this was going to be a problem from the get go — to test alignment as well as make sure scale wasn’t being lost during scanning or printing, I actually printed the artwork onto transparencies and then compared to the originals in the guide.  The issue I ran into was the stack connectors – the ‘bus’ that the four TVT boards connect via.  A quick study of the alignment of these using the transparencies revealed that between boards, they didn’t quite line up.  I supposed this could have been due to 40 years of humidity acting upon the paper of the guide, although I also have two copies of the Mark-8 construction guide and there is no difference between the artwork in those dimensionally or otherwise.  It could also simply be errors – I had read some contemporaneous accounts of TVT builders that complained of issues with alignment.  Anyway, after carefully considering the issue, I decided I could just ‘make it work’ by carefully adjusting the pins as I installed them.  Altering the artwork seemed like a fools errand – it might fix the connector problem but risked distorting everything else.

Anyway, after making the boards, I’ve drilled them and began removing the Molex connectors from my first, erroneous board set, and installing them on the ‘new’.  I also installed my new transformer, as well as the control switches (bottom) for test fitting.  So far so good, although the transformer sits a little too close to the board stack.

In terms of alignment vertically.. yeah.. it’s not pretty.  But I’ve confirmed it’ll work.  Now to solder in all 24 molex connectors and 240 pins (again.. ugh)!!


I redid the boards. And then redid them again. And again…

Okay, so when we last left off, I had discovered an unfortunate mistake in the original PCBs I had recreated for my TV Typewriter project: they were too small, a victim of the distortions that happen when ‘line art’ is scanned.

It’s all good.  As I mentioned also, I had managed to run into some actual vintage 1973 board stock.  Now re-doing my work was no longer a matter of desire – it was necessity, just to get that inch or so closer to a full replica.

If you read my post about my 2-5-2-2 toner transfer process you’ll see the first board I worked on – a redo of the TVT mainframe board.  But the TVT gremlins weren’t going to let me off that easy — it turned out, after etching, that it was still the wrong size!  Apparently printing onto magazine paper causes some kind of weird dimensional loss.  I suspect it may be because the inks used to print on magazine paper are water based and perhaps the heat from the laser printer causes a bit of that to boil off and thus shrink?  Not sure.  Anyway, after some trial and error I figured out the loss was about 1% all around.  Adjusting for this and reprinting gave me the right dimensions, and finally the correct size board.

Now, I mentioned before that these vintage copper clad sheets, which I was lucky to find, were only 0.03″ thick.  That’s a problem, because most PCBs commonly are around 0.06″ thick.  And we want that thickness, because the TVT has some heavy components, like the transformer, and we don’t want any flex.  So what I decided to do was etch my PCB pattern on one board, and then completely etch off the copper on another, and then cut to size and sandwich them together with epoxy.  This seemed straightforward enough, and so I trundled ahead — made my first mainframe board and then epoxied together.  And it looked good until  I noticed that bubbles were forming internally.  And no matter what I did, I couldn’t make them go away.  The result was a splotch effect that made the board look obviously glued together.

Nope.  Don’t want that.  It was suggested to me that I buy a book press.  Apparently you want to apply a huge amount of pressure to prevent bubbles from forming.   I couldn’t find one though – not one that wouldn’t incur a fortune in shipping fees from the U.S., which was the only place I could find them.

So I played around.  On the mainframe board, I actually ripped it apart (the epoxy is suprisingly easy to remove once exposed), cleaned and retried, this time waiting a little while before bonding the two boards.  This helped, but there’s still some discoloration.  I must have tried four different ways on five different boards before realizing there wasn’t much I could do.  My final trick was to switch to contact cement.  This made a world of difference – on my cursor board, it left it looking mostly like an original piece of 0.06″, save for a couple of splotches or ‘birthmarks’, as I like to call them.  I decided to accept that and move on.  A couple of boards I did – my Memory and Timing boards, I actually started drilling right after bonding, and this produced a kind of ‘craquelure’.   Here’s a picture of the ‘new’ timing board, next to the old one as I’m stripping the part.  Notice the ‘cracks’.

Oh well — over time they faded and now, frankly, I don’t notice them.  On my final board, the Cursor, I waited a full 15 minutes after applying the cement to both boards and then attached them.  This made for a much cleaner look, albeit with some ‘birthmarks’.  I decided to live with those.  This TVT will live inside a case anyway.  I doubt anyone but the most discerning will bother to note the splotches.   Alright, now to actually follow the directions this time and start building.  Here comes the mainframe!

Brad’s 2-5-2-2 Perfect PCB Toner Transfer Process

When I got started with making my own printed circuit boards (PCBs), I found a plethora of ways and methods. However, very few seemed to work properly. Toner transfer seemed the most straightforward, with several companies offering special papers designed to make the process easy. But these were expensive, and the results were not nearly as good as promised.

The best toner transfer method seemed to be the old toner transfer-to-magazine paper trick, but I always ended up with a few missing traces in the end. However, after doing some experimentation, I discovered a ‘process’ that seems to yield the right result almost every time! I call it my 2-5-2-2 Perfect PCB Toner Transfer Process. Here it is.

Print your PCB Artwork

This is the easy bit. Assuming your artwork is all to scale (and reversed – don’t forget if you don’t mirror image your artwork, when you iron it it will appear backwards). You simply print it from something like photoshop to a decent laser printer. I use an HP LaserJet 4250. The toner itself seems to be a point of contention, with some saying the compatible toners don’t work. However mine has a compatible cart and works fine.

Carefully tear out a piece of magazine paper from a… magazine. You want something glossy but not too glossy. I pull out the regular pages from HotRod Magazine. Their paper is really good quality. Plus, I can read about awesome car projects I’ll never be able to afford!

When printing, the crucial thing is to make sure the printer knows what type of paper it’s handling. I use Photoshop, so in the printer settings I tell it the paper is heavy glossy. This causes the printer to do two things: 1) draw from the manual feed tray and 2) pull at a slower speed so more toner affixes to the page. You want this because you want the toner to be solid and not too thin, otherwise it won’t protect your traces from the etchant properly.

Once printed, you’re ready to prep your copper clad.

Prepping the Copper Clad

This is very important. Copper needs to be slightly roughed up for your toner to get a good grip on it. I use a Scotchbrite pad and some Comet, dry, not wet and I scrub at it like crazy for at least a minute, everywhere I can in random patterns. I then rinse in fairly warm water until clean. Next, I wipe the board down with some paper towel and acetone.


This is the bit that always trips people up. Many recommend ditching the iron for a laminator. But if you don’t have the money to dish out on fancy new equipment, an iron (you don’t care about) will do just fine. It’s all about technique, heat, and pressure. First, set your iron to the hottest setting (usually cotton). Do not set it for steam. You don’t want steam at all here.

Next, put your copper clad on your work surface (in my case, it was a kitchen counter) with the copper side up. Place a piece of parchment paper over it. Set a timer for 2 minutes and begin moving the iron slowly back and forth, up and down, all over the board to get it nice and hot.

The reason I use parchment is because I found magazine paper/ink will melt and become gummy, binding on your iron. Over time, this will wear off the non-stick coating on the iron surface. The parchment paper reduces friction considerably.

When your timer goes off after 2 minutes, remove the iron and parchment paper.

Now you’re ready to align your magazine paper with the artwork printed on it. Align it over the board and do not let the magazine paper touch the board until you have centered or aligned properly. The second it makes contact with the hot copper, it’ll stick.

Bring the magazine paper gently onto the copper clad surface. Now place your parchment paper over it.

Set your timer for 5 minutes and start ironing the whole of the magazine paper underneath. What I do here is a few ‘sweeps’ from side to side, sort of ‘laminator like’. Slow and with lots of pressure. Then I imagine in my mind’s eye where the traces and pads are and give a fair bit of pressure (not too much) and put a bit of extra pressure on the tip of the iron to get all those places pressed down nicely. I also do a lot of light sweeps back and forth, up and down all over the place to get the heat nice and even.

When your timer goes off after 5 minutes, remove the iron and set it aside. Leave everything else as is.

Set your timer for 2 minutes, and walk away. I honestly do not know why but this ‘cooling process’ seems to help. While giving it a rest, fill a sink or bucket with cold water. This is what the PCB will be dunked into once we’re done.

When your timer goes off after 2 minutes, set it for another 2 minutes. Take your iron and again repeat what you did for the previous 5 minutes. Really work the iron one more time along where traces, pads, etc will be.

When your timer goes off after 2 minutes, remove the iron, put on an oven mitt. Remove the parchment paper, then grab the board. The paper should be firmly stuck to it. Dunk it directly into your sink. Let it sit for a good couple minutes. The longer it sits, the more the water will break down the fibers of the paper and make it easier to separate from the board and toner. Gently peel the paper away, following the directions of traces where possible.

Voila! A nice, crisp transfer! And no need to spend money on fancy blue stuff!

Now you can trim off the excess, and proceed to your favourite etching method. I will discuss mine in a future post.