My New Youtube Channel

I haven’t written in a while – have been busy with work and other projects. Speaking of the latter, one of those projects has been finally trying doing some proper-ish Youtube videos. I’ve had a Youtube channel for years (BradH – now defunct), but the videos I did there were all of the shaky handycam, no speaking type. The new videos I’m doing have much better lighting, sound and some are even mini documentary style.

Anyway, the new channel is Tech Time Traveller. Check it out if you love vintage gear!

The channel obviously will focus on vintage computers mostly, but also other tech. There will be documentaries, show’n’tells (titled 8BitBites), repairs and builds. Should be lots of fun.

And of course I’m not abandoning this blog, I see I need to do some… updates.. heh. 🙂 All in due time!